What to Expect


What to Expect:

Style of Worship:
Here at Peace we have two different styles of worship. The 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month we worship with liturgy and hymns, and the 2nd and 4th Sundays are praise worship. If you haven't been a part of a church with liturgy, no worries, because we have everything on our screens. 

We have what we call open communion, meaning that as long as you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and He is your Savior you are welcome to receive communion. We have both the wine and grape juice available along with gluten free bread upon request.

One part of our mission statement is to grow in Christ, we believe it is also important to grow in fellowship with one another. So, following our church service we gather for coffee, lemonade and treats.

Sunday School:
We have Sunday School beginning in September and it runs through May. Sunday school begins at 10:30 am after church services. 

What Should I Wear?
This is a casual church. You can wear anything from a suit to jeans. Jesus says come as you are, we aren't worried about the dress code. We do encourage no hats in worship. 

Do I Have to Give?
We do not require or expect guests to give when they come for worship. At Peace we do not pass a collection plate, but we have a giving box outside of our sanctuary, and we have online giving through Tithely. There is a link to Tithely on the home page at the top.